alright here is my conundrum (it just a fun word to say). I will be starting a new job next week and i will be going from a 6 mile drive to a 43 mile drive (42.2 miles of it is highway) one way.
so the question is do I
a) keep my 98 accord EX 4 cyl, auto with 153,000 and mod the crap out of it or
b) buy a dirt cheap beater, mod the crap out if it also and unload the accord for what i can get for it.
I would appreciate any of you yoda-type modders inputs.
the obvious pros for option A are
1.paid off
2.hondas are in general very reliable
3.A/C works great
cons are
1.automatic trans (looked into a manual conversion, about 700$

2.heavy (approx 3500 lbs with me in it)
3.not an ecomodding issue, but this car really sucks in the snow
option B pros
1.can buy a car that is a huge step in the right direction for base mileage and for ecomodding
1.i have to buy something else
2. cheap will probably mean a rotted out bucket (Ohio cars are in notoriously bad condition)
the accord gets about 27mpg average (based on a previous jobs drive of 23 miles one way)
the end goal here is to end up with much better mileage in the most budget friendly way possible (come to think of it I guess that's why were all here

last little sidenote; the accord is in severe need of an alignment and front tires, but this will be happening this weekend regardless so i'm not even including this cost in any budgeting.
Thanks for any useful stuff