Originally Posted by H4MM3R
here is a picture. Of what a good rear of the car should look like for low drag.
I agree, way to steep....
Angle will greatly depend on height and length...
Check and see if your library has this book
Race Car Aerodynamics: Designing for Speed by Joseph Katz. While some of that won't apply to your typical car... There's interesting discussion on height/length ratios and front/rear shapes....
Another problem with saying that rear end is ideal (I know it wasn't explicitly stated) is that there's a lot of interaction between the side and bottom. Yes, ideally a cone is what you want - but you're not going to find the same flow speed under and next to a car... To deal with that, you'd add vertical winglets that extend the side of the car while the diffuser does it's magic under the car.
The wing strakes and side portion in this diffuser is close to what I'm getting at...