part of spinning the wheels is camber alignment. I got new struts, everything was great..until I spotted the camber. it is less than half an inch negative on the "warm side" (drivers side has exhaust running by),struts installed in pairs..but to me..really noticable. And as the cv joints warms up..I can get a well as determine earthquakes (we are getting the silent rumbles too)
the fix was unbeleivable to a pannicking grandma with 1200 dollar aftermarket jdms...
a 16th inch thick wedge in the newer softer bushing on the strut cambered the wheel back to precise is that?!
a thought to mention cars camber, they play with caster..and if suspension is at level while doing this, it is an error..and can effect mileage.
a 16th inch goes a long way....
yellow good green bad.
I am glad to have caught onto the bushing being a softy,in comparison to the old (the old kept the car very rigid). I have an arsenal of old school ways to smash things back to normal...imagine If I did start attacking the metal, to realize later on.. "oh..the bushing is not hard enough."