Originally Posted by r3tic
Is there any reason that the Atmega328P-20P chip is not being used.
There are a fair number of folks with 168's and so that has to be the target for 1.0.
But there is also an availability question, I managed to get a hold of one 328, but they are not in stock anywhere. I would wait until it looks like it sticks before putting application dependencies on it myself.
The only thing I can think of to do in the meantime to reclaim a substantial amount of storage with this chip is take all the C fluff and bootloader out of the picture and dig into assembler (which I have started) and eventually offer a program on a chip. I don't think most people actually care about being able to program, they just want a simple and inexpensive mpg gauge.
But as it stands mpguino don't fit in arduino 0012, and that has made me seriously reconsider arduino for anything beyond the 1.0 mpguino offering. But arduino sure did make it easy to get started though, I must say