Mythbuster's show 3/01/15 did a bit on reducing air pollution from a motorcycle through aerodynamics. While the premise was misguided I thought the show was interesting. I took several pics of the screen to try catching views of their project aero. They said they achieved 79 mpg. This is a good idea for improving mpgs, but while it helped reduce air pollutants it was no match for what regular cars are capable of today.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to aerostealth For This Useful Post:
Okay, I normally don't watch the show. I thought their tubular steel design and shrink wrapping was good. I don't know why they were interested in reducing air pollutsnts and not the improved mpg's itself. I think the whole faring appliance could be pulled off in a two part scheme that would leave the rider open still and it would be lighter. In short I thought the question that got them building the rig was bogus and I was suprized they did this at all.
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