We have gotten weather more representative of September in Ohio, so I've been able to trim (though not eliminate) the amount of time I've had to use the A/C. I'm due to refuel in the next day or so to see the results. Early indications are a small, but noticeable, improvement in fuel economy.
Since I started coasting to lights and DWL, I've boosted my usual 22 mpg to 26.3 and 26.9 mpg the past two tanks. Early indications are 27 - 27.5 mpg with this tank, but we'll see. Those numbers for my mixed-driving commute were science-fiction for me just a month ago! Goes to show--adjust the nut behind the wheel for the biggest improvement.
Sadly, my fuel economy is likely to drop soon. I don't remember the exact date, but Ohio introduces the "winter gas" sometime in the fall. I start noticing a drop in fuel economy starting in October. When I was getting 22-23 mpg in the summer months, I was getting 19-20 mpg in the dead of winter. Some of that is the winter gas, though I suspect a lot of that is that I kept the car outdoors. I now have an attached garage, so this will hopefully help.