Need to break some bad habits
When I was first learning to drive a manual transmission, I was driving a 1990 Ford Festiva. It was so efficient that I could drive the hell out of it, hitting the rev limiter pulling out of lights in first, and i could still get 35 or so MPG out of it. Due to this, I picked up some pretty bad driving habits. Now I drive a truck, and I am trying to improve my around town economy. I am doing pretty ok on the highway using the neutral downhill and 5th uphill approach to things (not alot of flat here in WV to pulse and glide.), but city economy is killing me. Any advice on what I should do other than rigging the battery to shock me If i let it rev over 3k?
Let me just add that this place has alot of really steep hills in town and extremely aggressive drivers, if that plays into it at all

Retired: Will add the new car once i manage to run a tank of gas through it.