I've bought a car off craigslist that seemed to good to be true that had been listed for 28 days, made $600 profit on it as well. I've seen too many ads and bought and sold over 350 cars off of craigslist, I'm familiar with the games, I pay to have every vin ran, the latest trick is to get a duplicate title, once you have the duplicate, get a title loan with it (they write a Lein on the duplicate title) then sell it with the original title that shows no lien.
1999 Civic EX coupe Autotragic -MPG project best mpg 54.2 w/masking tape mods otherwise stock. -SOLD
2014 Mitsubishi Mirage ES 5MT. 15k miles 44.2 mpg avg overall in my mountain, northern PA
2010 Cobalt sedan XFE -project uber/mpg taxi.