Need help for EPA rating to correctly register my megane
I introduce myself a week ago. I registered my scenic (vehicleid=838) and now I'm registering my megane (vehicleid=962) for which I'll soon have a first fuel log to enter.
The problem is to know the numbers I have to use for the EPA rating...
The megane is old and the FE is the old European test :
. Urban : 33.6mpg (7.0l/100)
. 90km/h (55.92mph) : 51.1mpg (4.6l/100)
. 120km/h (74.56mph) : 37.3mpg (6.3l/100)
Logically the "120km/h" test corresponds to your "EPA highway" while the "Urban" test corresponds to your "EPA city". If I keep the "90km/h" for your "EPA combined" then this one will be the bigest one which isn't logical.
Currently I exchanged the "90km/h" and the "120km/h" numbers, so I have :
. EPA city 33 mpg(US)
. EPA highway 51 mpg(US)
. EPA combined 37 mpg(US)
which is wrong because European highways are above 120km/h : 130km/h in France.
How can I estimate the "EPA combined" from "EPA highway" and "EPA city" ?
The average is giving 6.65l/100 = 35.3mpg.
Anyway, I will certainly be over 38mpg for the current tank while I was under 33mpg before hypermiling :-)
Thanks in advance,
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Earth and health are priceless, so are kilotank and AT-PZEV
Best Mégane tank: 1268.9mi @ 77.847 MPG(US)
2008/06-2011/10 saving: - 5725.5 kg CO2 (5342.6+382.9)
- Diesel / Money: 42.17% = 2446.25€ = 3357.26$

megane : thread - kill switch.