Well My dad decided since he already had one 420SEL he really didn't need another so guess who it went to next Yuppp Meee

He decided he's gonna get a 126 coupe while his beauty
gets fixed Some stupid B*^$# rear ended him at a stoplight
Well now i've got this beaty.
We did a full tuneup on it when we got it
Only thing is it DOESN"T get better fuel economy than my ElCO
I know it needs a little work, Valvejob and a fuel distributor but other than that it runs greaaat.
Only problem is best tank i've gotten with it is 22.5 MPG
Now a few things will be done soon
Seafoam before the next oil change
X pipe the resonators (there is ENTIRELY TOO MUCH exhaust on this car)
Michellin hydroedges and bilstien shocks with eibach springs to lower it a bit
The problem is back when my dad's 420 was running it could touch 27 MPG on highway runs eassy
the only differences i know of between the 88 and 86 are the secondary cats on the 88(mine)
and his did have an ECO tune from our mercedes mechanic
Could it just be because my car is highmileage? 200 thousand
or is it possible to get mine to be a 28 MPG maybe even 30

MPG car
they both weigh about 3800 pounds and drag is .37