Hello everyone!
another n00b here, I've been reading here for couple of months now figured I'd make my first post now that I have some time.
Been driving a 2000 Toyota Camry 4 cyl automatic since 2005, I averaged about 30 mpg city and 36 highway. Just basic driving speed limit, keeping good amounts of air in the tires, etc. One week ago I was given the option to purchase a 2003 Toyota Avalon XLS with standard miles for the year, my camry had just turned 200,000 trouble free miles so I posted it on craigslist and sold it for 3,800 dollars and then purchased the Avalon (photo below).
I noticed with the on board computer the previous owner's average mpg was 30.1 MPG when they delivered the car (they drove 2 hours all highway), they commented they get 22 - 24 city driving.
Lately I've been driving with the on board computer displaying instant mpg and I've got some goals of doing 30 mpg on my daily commute which is 80 percent highway 20 city, and 34 mpg highway. I figure its doing able in its current condition. For higher I'm going to need some better tires (current are dayton hr junk tires) and removal of mud flaps. Its got a good drag co of .28 so unsure if there is much else I can do...
Thoughts? Thanks