Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Arctic? Southern Canada? I'm curious, if you feel like telling a story.
Somehow I missed this thread when you posted it, so - a belated "welcome".
I missed this comment as well, basically I got a job working in an isolated community called Igloolik in the Territory of Nunavut (2200 km North West of Ottawa). I lived there for 2 years and relocated back to Saskatchewan as my wife and I are expecting our 1st child any day now.
Living up there was an experience to say the least, a snapshot for you guys:
- Milk was $8.00 for 2L, I even saw a watermelon for $50.00. We ordered our major supplies and food every August and it came by barge.
- The community was fly in only, flights were $2700/person from Ottawa to Igloolik.
- In summer we had 24 hour daylight and from Nov - Feb was 24 hours of darkness, we would not even see the sun during this time.
A few cool links here as well: