tim3058 - I will try to download the helm manual tonight to get the procedure to test the o2 sensor. I know that it is something that I really need to do. Also, I guess it could be a tps problem... although normally in my experience with other cars they seem to give problems at idle as well (this car idles great). I don't get any codes or CEL's until I unplug the o2 sensor, and they immediately go away when I plug it back in.
comptiger5000 - The leak is after my o2 sensor (and my cat as well, I misspoke earlier when I stated it was before the cat). I just didn't know if a sizable leak would cause a back pressure problem that would in turn cause the o2 sensor to act funny.
turbothrush - My car does have the stock exhaust, and the o2 sensor is in the manifold. I don't know why I stated the leak was before the cat (brain fart I guess

Thanks for all the replies guys, keep the ideas coming. I love an active forum!!!
Oh, by the way, I went out and cleaned the egr ports of the intake (even though they looked great). Drilling out the covers was really simple, and it was good to see that they were clean. I also took the time to clean the injectors and tips while I was at it. Now in the morning I will reinstall the intake and see it that made any difference (surely couldn't hurt).