fantastic welcomes, thanks!
Yes, I remember some users from other web site: RH77, SVOboy and MetroMPG, how are you?
in these months, I have worked a lot, and, when I am returned, I have uncovered this new forum.
Now, I believe, of having time in order to attend this place and making new experiences.
I am 39 year hold, and I love engine technologies and other science about cars while aerodynamic, handling etc..
In Italy, it is still not perceived, the importance of a life eco-bearable , and the knowledge on it, from part of normal customers, is much insufficient.
Five years ago, I, was the president of an car club, but today, have decided, to address my knowledge towards new truths.
I come, from one turned automotive culture to the performances: power, speed and acceleration. This is the reason of my presence with you.
I understand of n.a and turbocharged engines, turbochargers and other things, but now, my only thought is for aerodynamics and fuel consumptions (through, engine optimization and the management of the relationship combustible/air, in the limits of my abilities.
between little hours, I must go to Rome for job, I excuse to me, I will discuss about my car when I am returned to Naples (

) where I live.
I am been born in Cagliari, I live in Naples, but from 1° May, I will go to live in Rome
good bye to saturday
below, a pic fo my car (std)