To tell you the truth, I'm so busy these days that I have not taken the time to fool with programing for the lean burn...
I have however, forced myself to update the Scan GaugeII evrytime I fill up.
With mixed driving (ie: variations in MPH due to lack of cruise control) I have been averaging 39-40. Just the other day I managed 43.5 and for the past few days the SCII says my average was around 50mpg- I got it as high as 54.4 mpg with coasting on hills and driving btw 61-65 mph.
I only have the tires inflated to around psi... (I need to bump them up a bit), I also have a full interior (sans spare tire)... I've been using light weight synthetic oil and recently swapped in some new copper plugs and wires.
Plugs seemed to help a bit... Hopefully, I will remember to inflate the tires more and then follow up on here....
I'm going to go fill up in a little while and will record my ACTUAL mpg when I return...
Good luck with your new Honda... I like this stupid car so much I'm looking for another!