Originally Posted by vskid3
If you lease, doesn't the lease company get the tax credit and (hopefully) apply that to the cost of the car? I played around with the idea of getting a Bolt when they first came out and leasing seemed to be the better deal because I wouldn't qualify for the whole tax credit but would effectively get it by leasing.
Chrysler was/is slow to pass on the whole credit, and the independent leasing companies don't have any of the other incentives available to Chrysler. I think in this case it's because they have an otherwise identical product for sale that doesn't get the $7500 credit and it would make it tough to lease say a Pacifica touring to someone when the Pacifica Hybrid is $100 less a month. Then they didn't have the hybrid inventory to support what may be a high demand. Instead they probably had trouble selling both models and needed up dumping 85,000 of the hybrids off to Google.