New record low 4.2L/100 (or high 56mpg)
As I drive the same loop to and from work every day I always do a trip avg to compare my techniques. I have found that I usually do better coming home from work (at 3am). No AC, more freedom for EOC and P&G, lower speeds. My previous record, twice was 5.1L/100 (46mpg) with the avg 5.2-5.5. My previous record for going to work was 5.4(43) with the avg 5.4-5.9.
Today I got 4.2 (56)!!!! I did hwy P&G with EOC for 90% of the trip and was behind a truck the whole time. I was not getting close enough to be in the draft fully though. My avg speed was 91km/hr for the first hwy part, dropped to 71km/hr after the last and mostly uphill city part but I kept it at 4.2. It's a 48km run, the last 13km city mostly uphill (I can get below 3.5 (above 67) doing that at 3am mostly downhill).
numbers are from my SG, the Optima factory display is optimistic and right now reads 6.4 for almost 550km, tank est says another 550 left. This includes a long non P&G hwy trip with the wife.