There are many reasons why we come to this forum, mainly for finding new ways to improve our MPG.
Improving our MPG also makes us look somewhat green. With that in mind, we should also consider the intervals for changing our motor oil. Some of us religious change our oil at certain mileages (I would say that I fall into that group) and some of us wait for a maintenance indictor to come on in our vehicles.
I’d like to suggest that in our efforts to increase our MPG and to be greener, that we should consider having Oil Analysis done prior to an oil change. Maybe that analysis might suggest that we keep the oil in longer, or maybe it might show signs of abnormal engine ear.
There are various places to get your oil analysis done at:
Blackstone Laboratories - Free Test Kit
is one place.
I use the kits that AMsoil sells (No, I do nor use Amsoil oil) and buy them from here-