Originally Posted by jousai7
Read an article the other day of the shutoff valves in gas stations not counting off exactly when gas starts flowing...sometimes you pay more and sometimes you pay less. If that happens walk right into there and talk to there manager normaly they will refund you money so they dont have the big-wigs come mess with them....its a common problem ...look out for it.
The station 1/4 mile down the road from my work does that, and I tend to avoid getting gas there. (Also for the fact that theyre one that doesnt lower prices when crude oil goes down and quite a few other stations do.) Its like the trigger is not the flow valve, but it is electronic and feeds back to the pump and requires above a certain speed before the gas will start coming out. However the price and gallons readout will go up even with no gas coming out. Then you hear the solenoid kick in the pump about 30 cents later and then some gas comes out. I dont trust it. Then again at this station, if you buy a pop or something advertised on sale (with a sign on the their own fridge case), you wont get the sale price most of the time.