here's a little update on some of the mod's i've recently been doing
since one of my PE plastic weeldams got damaged a few months ago, i was lookig for something to replace it with and a big role of linoleum i saw on discount provided me with more than enough material to replace the dams.
haveing so much material available (about 3 sqare meters ) i got thinking about other mods.
the first was an extention of the airdam in front of the wheels... the dams i have now are just in front of the wheels, but these dams are at the leading edge...

the idea is these don't add any frontal area as they're in front of the wheels but they push the air away from the sides wich aren't covered by the undertray. plus they create a low pressure area behind them wich might help suck radiator air from the engine bay, the "original" wheeldams should than guide this air out trough the gaps in the side but mopefully onto my undertray.
it's more of a "lets see what it does experiment"
next i found a bit of old windstriping that still had the adhesive backing on, so i used it to block the seems of my hood... if i can find some more of this stuff cheaply i think i'd do the whole car, although i don't expect any massive improvement from it
thus far it seems like my milage isn't suffering but it's to earty to tell it if actually works, and with the improving weather my fe should start going up anyway.... still i have an almost 12 month baseline so i can match temperature to my FE and see if it's above or below average