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Old 01-28-2020, 05:19 PM   #1 (permalink)
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One of the sad facts of working with kids is that sometimes the parents are more difficult than the children. Today the vice principal helped me drag a kindergartner out of my room and then I tried to talk to the mom about getting the daughter additional help. We talked about it before and she said that she was going to make a call, but instead she complained to the principal about the exact opposite of what I actually said, which she did again today.

The principal told me that the student will never catch up with her peers. I want her to. I want her to have a normal and healthy life.

Apparently the parents don't want to be bothered, even though this means more work for them long-term.

People. What a bunch of illegitimate children.

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Old 01-28-2020, 09:09 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Sometimes it's not the kids fault it's the teachers. When my son was around 1st or 2nd grade teachers wanted us to have him put on medications for ADD instead of them spending a little extra time working with him. I flat out refused and no Dr. ever mentioned him needing medication for ADD. The problem wasn't ADD. It ended up he learned at a slower pace than most of his peers. We gave him help at home and he got put in classes with less students where he could get more 1 on 1 time. Not at the top of his class but he graduated from High School and has a regular full time job working as a custodian for the school system. No it's not the greatest job and not the best paying but he's got something I never had from my employers. When he retires if he stays with the school system 10+ years he will draw a state pension along with his SS. At the age he started working for the school system he can work 20 years in KY for a full pension then if he wanted go to another state (probably TN since it's only about 25 miles away) get 20 years in for another full pension and still retire before age 65. His supervisor is set to retire in the next couple years and he's already been told they plan for him to take his place when he retires. He still learns at a slower pace than most but he must be doing something right or they wouldn't be wanting to move him into a supervisory position.

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Old 01-31-2020, 11:37 AM   #3 (permalink)
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If she (the) was angry or tough with you, or if she lied about what you said, I would say she is a terrible person to talk with.

But many teachers and eve doctors use to have some hurry in label kids, and we know medical science in this field can often be a garbage in diagnoses.

One thing to check, is if the kid is somehow abused in his home, physically or emotionally, or had abuse in the past, or even bad environment, like presence fight between father and mother.
Doctors use to be a sh... about check such things when parents grab kids to them.

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