Originally Posted by Gasoline Fumes
I recently noticed that polarized sunglasses cut virtually all dash reflections. I might try a white dash cover next summer. Can't buy one in white. Maybe a bathmat? The large black dash of my Insight radiates so much heat.
Yep polarized glasses are almost magical in the way they can make dash reflections disappear and glare in general disappear.
At night 'clear' polarized driving glasses are an experience!
It's a wonder evolution hasn't built it into our eye lenses!
Imagine this:
Polarized windscreen at a 45 degree angle.
Headlight glass polarized at the same angle. (parallel)
Do that to all cars and any oncoming headlights are polarized at 90 degrees to your windscreen... meaning no more blinding oncoming car lights in anyone's eyes.
Now you may be ready to jump into your car and dash off to the patent office! (I was!

Don't bother: It's been thought of and tested.
The polarized light leaving your headlights is unpolarized /scattered, to a large degree, upon hitting and being reflected back from the objects ahead you want to see .
But you can only see the reflected light that happens to be at the 45 degree angle of your windscreen's polarization.
So the amount of polarized light you need to put out from your headlights before you can see equally well, is (or was) way more than the idea was worth.
(Thats all IIRC: It's been decades since I looked into this)