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Xist 05-02-2022 10:51 PM

Personal question: How old is your computer?
Oh, you have more than one? Weirdo! :D

No, I am not insulting you right off the bat, I am currently using my desktop, but I prefer my laptop, which I have had for almost 16 months. It was cheaper than my desktop, but I just realized I brought that home on 5/21/2016!

Then there is the $300 laptop that I bought in October of 2017. I upgraded to an SSD, reinstalled Windows, and gave it to my nephew, but he couldn't game on it, so he gave it back.

It has 4 GB soldered to the motherboard.

Who has the most computers? :)

A friend has 2 desktops and a couple laptops for some reason. She keeps acting like that makes sense.

I sure wish that more of my computers lasted 6 years! :D

I have plugged my scratched Samsung Galaxy S20FE into my USB-C KVM and I used it with my 4k television, keyboard and mouse.

My sister works for Google and says that schools are stupid for buying $1,000 laptops when they can do everything they need with a $400 chromebook.

Lunacy skips and jumps in my family.

My phone would be $600 unlocked.

I wouldn't expect a $400 chromebook to keep up with my $600 phone, and I didn't use my phone as a computer for very long.

I missed a real computer! :)

wax87 05-02-2022 11:04 PM

SSD is next on my list

oil pan 4 05-03-2022 12:22 AM

My laptop was fairly dated when I bought it in 2015.
My current phone I think I bought in 2018, it was an obsolete model by 2014.

redpoint5 05-03-2022 12:44 AM

Don't really know how many computers and laptops I have, but I really only use 2 laptops, 1 tower, and 1 server.

Work laptop is 2 years old Dell business class. I'm on that the most. It stays on my desk connected to the port replicator and 3 displays.

This 10th gen Intel i5 laptop was $290 on Black Friday 2 years ago. Originally intended to use it as a Plex server and PVR for security cameras, but found it wasn't quite up to the tasks I wanted it to perform. Plenty fast enough for anything related to work or school or browsing. It's the only computer I've purchased in the last decade or so.

Dell tower has 2 Intel CPUs and 16 cores total. I've got it running Plex, RAID 1 data storage, and PVR for security cameras. It runs headless (no monitor, keyboard, or mouse). I remote into it as needed.

Dell R740 server has 24 cores and just mines Ethereum with a couple insane GPUs. It's a power hog, consuming 500 watts when mining, so I'm not sure how long I'll run it. Although I have solar electricity, last year I ended up paying a few bucks because my consumption exceeded production.

My previous laptop was a Lenovo x220 I bought in 2011 and it was fantastic. I used it daily at work and home for 6 years.

There's really no use in any of these lasting more than 5 years since technology will have moved on so much by then. It's all super cheap too, so no problem to replace stuff every 5 years. As long as one isn't gaming, computers are cheap. Even then, it's not too much to get a decent gaming rig.

Phase 05-03-2022 12:50 AM

Running a desktop built custom with rtx 3080 gpu and an intel i7 8 core processor iver clocked to 5.2ghz and 32gb of ram. Need to upgrade to 64gb of ram though. Everything is installed and ran off nvme Samsung SSD. 4K monitor and sound bar or senheisser headphones for some applications.

freebeard 05-03-2022 01:08 AM


Oh, you have more than one? Weirdo
All of them or just the ones I can reach from here?

The everyday machine is a $90 Raspberry Pi driving a mid-1990s Sony LCD TV. Next will be a Pi 400.

The M1 Mac Mini is the newest, but I don't trust it online. I made the mistake of installing antivirus software on it, and now I'm not sure if it uninstalled or not. Runs the newest Blender though.

The $75 iMac is still chugging along. The $25 G4 from Nextstep probably not.

I still use the Barnes & Noble Nook tablet to listen to music when I'm in the shed.

me and my metro 05-03-2022 01:10 AM

Hp laptop made last year on the network. Also a 12.9” iPad and all Apple phones at work. We are all MacBook pro and iPads and iPhones at home plus an old XP pc upgraded to Windows 10 only used for tax purposes.

cRiPpLe_rOoStEr 05-03-2022 01:52 AM

I don't even kow how old my computer is, but maybe I should keep an eye for a replacement. I already got it second-hand, and once in a while there is some hardware malfunction. I also consider getting rid of Windows and switch to Linux.

ECO-AKJ 05-03-2022 08:56 AM

I'm still running one that I built in 2007, only had to replace the power supply once in it, it is used for web browsing on my 40" tv in my bedroom.

I built one Jan 2020 for my living room, it runs media on my 65" tv.

No use gaming on the new machine, no broadband internet available.

freebeard 05-03-2022 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
I also consider getting rid of Windows and switch to Linux.

The hardest part is picking a distribution. Have you looked at your choices?

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