PLX Kiwi MPG calibration
Trying to be as frugal as possible, I read up on the Plx Kiwi MPG and it sounded perfect. I didn't need all that a ScanGaugeII can do, so I thought I'd save some money.
I drive a 01' Civic 5spd. Anyone have any idea what calibration #'s I should be using? I'm using 0.50 right now, but the numbers still seem odd.
The whole method of calibration seems messed up, I'm supposed to use the EPA's highway #'s for calibration while going 50MPH? EPA says 33MPG for highway. My car should easily get 40-50MPG for highway, this Kiwi MPG doesn't seem right.
And to boot, when I turn my car on, it doesn't turn back on. I have to use the switch. I had borrowed a friends ScanGauge and the SC turns on and off with the car.
So far I'm very unimpressed. Kiwi MPG doesn't turn on automatically and the MPG numbers it's giving, seem very far off. There any reason I should keep this?