Not only are they ugly, they block a surprising amount of light.
I bought the 3M Headlight Restoration Kit from Napa (On sale for like $17?)
Best price I've ever seen on it. 3M #39008
It's basic. You need a drill and some time. Start off with 500 Grit, then 800, then some weird 3000 Grit pad, it's not just sand paper... Then the rubbing compound.
The same results could be had with just following the steps above w/o the kit. But honestly, it's worth its weight in gold! Car went from looking like and old beat up POS to a decent looking vehicle.

This is just the pass side completed.

Both sides complete.
It took me about 1.5 hours. About a third of that was removing the headlights,
which you do not have to do.
I'm crazy and like taking things apart, so I did.
Anywho, for Less than $20 and 2 hours, this is a GREAT product!