Originally Posted by Unforgiven
Heh, a slight sense of humor there. Just think, in about 10 years, the Hummers will be almost extinct as well. lol
If people would stop fighting about alternatives and refusing to let any of them prosper, there would be no reason to retire older gas guzzlers because demand for petroleum would ramp down as alternative fuel vehicles & refueling stations enter the marketplace. When demand for petroleum drops, it will have no good reason to be costly and when 90% of the cars on the road are zero emissions there will be no compelling reason to worry about the smog produced by the handful of old "dinosaurs" people are driving around burning dead dinosaur juice. As Leno said, "When the car was invented, it freed horses from a life of hard labor - tomorrow's car will be the savior of today's classic car"
But people always just endlessly naysay about any alternative fuel being offered, and manufacturers don't help things because they seem to think that any time they offer a new technology platform such as hybrid or electric on their cars they have to wrap it in some hideous, dorky looking body and then charge a fortune for it because they want to recoup all the engineering costs of not only the new drivetrain but also a whole new coach to mount it in. Here's an idea auto makers: put your fancypants new drivetrain as an option on your most popular selling existing model of car and use the money you save by NOT developing a whole new car around it, to keep its cost low.
Oh, you can't figure out how to make your fancy new drivetrain work correctly in the type of car people are already buying? Well then it's a stupid technology and you need to bake it a bit longer before taking it out of the oven.