I put some images of RV-related shapes together.They're listed in descending order for coefficient of aerodynamic drag.All of them are normalized to a common total height for ease of comparison.
I'll keep data-mining and add as I find them.
First off,a look at the problem (from our friends in Australia)
I've added three new photographs which underscore the flow disruption around an RV travel trailer when the flow is made visible.Their at the top of the thread.
If I could find a dirt road and an accomplice to take photos, we could get the REALLY interesting shots: One with the trailer and one without, same speed, same tow vehicle.
I'm not doing that on a dirt road again. I went on a 10 mile dirt road on my vacation and apparently my upper to lower seal is not as good as I thought as my camper was FULL of dust when I popped it up. Then it was 95 degrees in the trailer while I used a single washcloth to wipe it all down. When I dumped the grey tank it came out dirtier looking then the black after wringing out that rag 1000 times LOL! The road I was on looked a lot like that 3rd picture but there was a fair crosswind to take the dust away.
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