Replaced coolant - low pH of 7.5 - How do I fix this?
So I drained out my old antifreeze/coolant, put in a bottle of coolant flush with distilled water, drove around with that for a couple days, drained that out, ran 10 minutes with heater on high with just distilled water, then filled it with AMSOIL coolant and distilled water. Ratio wasn't exact but I'd guess it was about 50/50, probably a bit heavier on the coolant.
I got the pH test strips from them too and my freeze protection showest the lowest temperature possible but my pH showed the second the lowest pH, and my pH of 7.5 has an asterisk under it that says "Unsatisfactory (needs immediate attention)". I sent an e-mail to AMSOIL but they haven't replied for two days now. Is it just a ratio thing? Could I drain some out and add either distilled water or coolant and would that adjust the pH? Cause I hear that a low acidic pH can lead to damage. What should I do?
Last edited by AaronMartinSole; 07-25-2012 at 04:40 PM..