In the past there was an individual who post here who rewrote his ECU maps for his car to gain a relatively significant FE boost. He had it as both an open source and commercial interest.
Anyway I have read more than one place that GM vehicles made in Europe with identicle motors to domestically sold units get 10-20% better highway MPG due to relaxed NoX requirements AKA there is a lean run mode built into the ECU.
I am curious if anyone could locate a european ecu eeprom image of a 2001 3.8ltr v6 GM/Buick compatible ECU I could reflash into my Buick to test its effects.
There are many who have said its easy to mess with the ECU maps but I am rather curious what is actually there and how to identify the parts of the ECU coding. AKA how and what would I need beside an EEPROM burner to be able to decode the information into a readable and changable set of information?
The so called comprehensive website on the matter is rather lacking in many newby respects but has answers to some very specific questions but no general walkthrough or overview of for example a GM model ecu.
I am curious if anyone has any decent information on the matter or an ECU image I could test (I can flash easy enough)
Also I am not worried about pollution, the cat hasn't worked right since I bought the car (even after replacement) the lovely PO420 won't go away, no emissions tests here so no worries on a little extra NoX