Well, that's an impressive motor. I could have a trunk in the back of my Beetle.
Xist -- The fastest [400mph] car on the Salt Flats is the Speed Demon. It has two wheels in-line at the front. The aerodynamics are different at that speed and favor a needle nose.
The material I'm contemplating is PolyMetal, an aluminum skinned composite. It probably could be English wheeled, but I like the faceted effect because I've manufactured and built and lived in geodesic domes.
It's based on an octahedron instead of an icoshedron. The 'equator' is lowered to 'rockerpanel' height and the widest point is moved forward to 30-70%. If you look at the longitudinal edge loop just ahead of the back of the canopy you can find 4-way intersections.
The rendering was done at a frequency of 5. If it was 2 it would look more like an F-117 or Batman's Tumbler. At the Reynolds Number of air some frequency will be optimal, but I don't know which it is. Sharper vertexes should create localized turbulence and act as reverse golf-ball dimples.