I use the 'roadie loop' every time I store the long stiff hose of our central vacuum system and the garden hoses.
But there's a better way for cords.
My kids Scouting club uses it to loop ropes. It doesn't tangle and leaves a eye to hang it on the wall. I use that for extension cords now:
- First make sure the rope is not overly twisted and knot free
- Take both ends of the rope in your right hand and slide the other around both ropes to half a meter up. Let both ends dangle down.
- Put your right hand over the ropes just above the left. Slide it a meter over the ropes, grab and pull back to the left. The rope forms a double loop.
- Grab the loops with your left hand while not letting go of the rope already there.
- Slide the right hand again, loop, grab, etc.
- When there's about a meter remaining squeeze the loops together round the middle.
- Swing the end (i.e. the middle part of the rope) a couple of times around the squeezed loop, tieing it together.
- Pull the end through the lower eye of the loop and back through the higher eye.
- You can hang the cord by the end of the rope which forms an eye.
Though the rope gets twisted somewhat by rolling it up this way, the effect is mitigated because both ends are twisted the same way. Somehow this never tangles. And it only takes a few seconds to roll a 20 meter rope.
If you are about to use it again you pull out and unwrap the end, then throw the bunch a couple of meters out while holding on to the leads. No tangles.
(as hastily rolled up as I got surprised by a flash rainshower. But not too bad for a 5 second effort?)
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.

lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.

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