For Sale: 1980 Comuta Car, Ready to Drive, $3500.00, Owensboro, KY
1980 Comuta Car, Yellow
Has about 1300 miles, and is in very good shape. It's ready to drive right now.
What I have done to the car.
New interstate batteries, only about a dozen cycles. 48v system.
New automatic 12V AUX battery charger
I replaced the leaking rear end oil seal, and added synthetic oil
I installed a new master cylinder, lengthened push rod, flushed, cleaned and bled brake system, repaired emergency brakes.
New outdoor rated carpet.
New weatherstripping.
Modified wiper to use standard blades
Installed new interconnect cables, repaired other cables, installed new 12V
wiring with fuses, installed new charge interlock relay
Rebuilt F/R contactor
Replaced fuse panel, relays and switches, installed additional fuses, repaired all lights.
The car drives fine, I had been driving it to work, a sixteen mile round trip,
when the weather was warmer.
I am looking to sale the Comuta Car and covert another car to electric.
It's located in Owensboro, KY
I am asking $3500.00
I have lots of pictures, I can't post them because my post count isn't high enough.
PM me for a link to pictures.