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Baltothewolf 09-03-2014 03:46 AM

Say hello to the... The Pod!
Just gonna copy/paste this from Insight forums.

I'm calling it the Silver Saver atm but, when it gets a purple repaint the official name will be the "Purple power".

Anyway, here it is. Now guys I know you are going to yell at me, but the car overheated driving home. It took a 6% grade in 2nd at 5k rpm sustained (stupid traffic) but it still overheated. Full bars of heat on the temp gauge, coolant boiling, etc etc. I had to pull over twice. I don't know why. The coolant is a nice green color, the radiator fans are coming on, but it just overheats. Once I got it off the 6% grade, it went to normal temp (4 bars I believe?) and stayed there the entire time. After I got home, I hooked up my UG to it, took it out for another spin, and took it up the steepest hill we have out here (and trust me, it's a damn steep hill) in 3rd gear at ~5500rpm and the max the coolant got was 206F. My civic gets hotter then that. Maybe it was just a fluke? Maybe the T-Stat got stuck closed? Idk, but before I do any long trips I'll figure out what caused it. I got no CEL's.

Also, I had to unplug the EGR, I guess I wasn't paying attention when I first drove it but it bucks like CRAZY when it tries to enter L/B. I figured this out on my second test drive, unplugging the EGR instantly fixed it so, that's why I bought it. Should just need to clean EGR plate and I'll probably just replace the EGR valve while I'm at it.

With that being said, I LOVE THIS CAR, omg! I can't even express how much I love this little monster. The battery works like a dream and everything.

Now for the pictures!

Baltothewolf 09-03-2014 03:56 AM

cowmeat 09-03-2014 06:36 AM


I'm still on my first tank, with about 475 miles so far with a couple of bars left, and averaging 58 mpg with the AC blasting! I'll get gas tomorrow and see how accurate the mpg read-out is versus the fill-up.

Baltothewolf 09-03-2014 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by cowmeat (Post 443710)

I'm still on my first tank, with about 475 miles so far with a couple of bars left, and averaging 58 mpg with the AC blasting! I'll get gas tomorrow and see how accurate the mpg read-out is versus the fill-up.

Nice, I haven't even filled up yet, I only got about 45mpg on my way home but with that being said, I'm missing a lot of the eco-friends stuff on the car, not to mention alignment is off, wheels are bald, so they are only at like 34psi, etc etc. Not to mention I had to stop twice on a 6% grade to let my car cool off.

digital rules 09-03-2014 07:13 AM

The coolant recovery tank looks empty, though may just be the way the photo came out. . . . .

Baltothewolf 09-03-2014 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by digital rules (Post 443714)
The coolant recovery tank looks empty, though may just be the way the photo came out. . . . .

It was full when I started driving it but most of it (about 90%) boiled out when I overheated, so I filled the resivour with distilled water.

Oh also, I solved the vibration issue (I'm fairly sure). The passenger side tire (where all the vibration is coming from) has no balancing metal thing. All the other tires have it, but not that one.

dirtydave 09-03-2014 08:12 AM

Looks like a fun project!

Daox 09-03-2014 08:30 AM

Hello unnamed Insight.

Congrats on the new car. New fun to be had. :)

Baltothewolf 09-03-2014 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Daox (Post 443723)
Congrats on the new car. New fun to be had. :)

Not to mention the massive learning curve. Even after the 90 mile drive home I'm still finding buttons to push haha.

Daox 09-03-2014 09:27 AM

I envy you! I've only driven one once. It was great. I wish I had one.

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