Just gonna copy/paste this from Insight forums.
I'm calling it the Silver Saver atm but, when it gets a purple repaint the official name will be the "Purple power".
Anyway, here it is. Now guys I know you are going to yell at me, but the car overheated driving home. It took a 6% grade in 2nd at 5k rpm sustained (stupid traffic) but it still overheated. Full bars of heat on the temp gauge, coolant boiling, etc etc. I had to pull over twice. I don't know why. The coolant is a nice green color, the radiator fans are coming on, but it just overheats. Once I got it off the 6% grade, it went to normal temp (4 bars I believe?) and stayed there the entire time. After I got home, I hooked up my UG to it, took it out for another spin, and took it up the steepest hill we have out here (and trust me, it's a damn steep hill) in 3rd gear at ~5500rpm and the max the coolant got was 206F. My civic gets hotter then that. Maybe it was just a fluke? Maybe the T-Stat got stuck closed? Idk, but before I do any long trips I'll figure out what caused it. I got no CEL's.
Also, I had to unplug the EGR, I guess I wasn't paying attention when I first drove it but it bucks like CRAZY when it tries to enter L/B. I figured this out on my second test drive, unplugging the EGR instantly fixed it so, that's why I bought it. Should just need to clean EGR plate and I'll probably just replace the EGR valve while I'm at it.
With that being said, I LOVE THIS CAR, omg! I can't even express how much I love this little monster. The battery works like a dream and everything.
Now for the pictures!