Hi everyone,
My name is Martin and I'm an Electrical Technician and currently the active admin on the Mighty Car Mods forums.
I've been lurking on this forum for a long time, but never committed myself to any serious eco modifications - until today when I stumbled upon the Dutch 100MPG Peugeot 106 thread and saw that they were doing pretty much exactly what I'm trying to do now.
Some facts about my car - depending on what wheels I'm using and what mood I'm in my average mpg has never been below 54mpg imp and the maximum I've ever managed was 84mpg imp. This is with the standard un-modified car. So I've got a great base.
I've never really measured the mpg since performing modifications last year. once the car is back on the road and this corona virus all blows over I'll get out on the road for some tuft and testing!
I'm using this car for racing in a sprint, which is limited by power to weight. reliance on suspension and mechanical grip from the tyres as the average speed is 75mph - so any downforce is eating precious hp which could be used to propel the car forwards - so reducing drag is key
I'm still at the design stage, as using the car for a "Sports Libre" entails lots of other modifications which are taking a lot of time - roll cage, fire extinguisher, minimal wiring and switchgear etc.
Here is a picture of the car when I bought it for 150 quid.
Here's a picture of me looking very serious