Originally Posted by Cd
So - back to my original question. How do you guys think that we as a group could come up with something similar ?
Imagine an extention on rails that you could control from inside the vehicle with a servo.
I'd be thinking safety first in the event that the car was rear-ended.You don't want to impale the car behind you.Motorcyclists?
After that I'd re-visit the Fachsenfeld/Kamm work at FKFS in the 1930s with 'extensible' aerodynamics as Hucho opined about in his section on buses and commercial vehicles.
Build to exacting aero proportions up to the truncation of the body,then continue it with an extensible structure,most likely an inflated envelope for open highway driving.
Supercars,driven flat out on the Autobahn have drag built in as a compromise to safety.You might imagine 200-mph on wet pavement between Frankfurt and Munchen! So they're a special case requiring special considerations not encountered in the 'real' world.
If you would like to see a mechanism,ideal for an extensible structure ( inside the envelope ) you might have a look under the dashboard of a Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft.You'll be looking for the control yoke elevator mechanism.It's absolutely exquisite! The only hitch,is that it must self-destruct upon collision.