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Old 10-17-2014, 11:33 PM   #1 (permalink)
Learning Aeromodding
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Share Your MPGuino Calibrations

I hope this thread will be as helpful as I think it will be.
Let's give each other a head start on our MPGuino calibrations by sharing the numbers we've spent time adjusting.

1. Share what VEHICLE you have your MPGuino in. (Make, Model, Sub-model, Year, Engine size, ETC.)

2. Share any important info that may make your MPGuino settings unique.

3. Share what your "VSS Pulses/Mile" screen says.

4. Share what your "MicroSec/Gallon" screen says.

5. Did I miss anything else?

Here's the link for the "HOW TO" for MPGuino calibration: MPGuino Calibration

(Note: I have yet to have a working MPGuino to actually calibrate. So IF this thread makes NO SENSE, or isn't helpful, all of you Admins have permission to delete this. )

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