Short time lurker....
Kinda hidden in the backgrounds unregistered for a few months now, and i would like to say theres alot of information on this site.
I am not really looking to hypermile my daily, but to get the most i can and go to work as cheaply as possible. I am DDing a 1994 Chevy S10 2.2L Reg cab. I got this truck a few years ago for doing some work for a family friend and i decided to get it going, so i rebuilt the motor and cleaned it all up decently. The only mod done for mileage which wasnt the case at the time is Electric fans, because i dont like clutch fans and i didnt have one with the truck. I recieved this truck with half of everything under the hood tore apart, extra worn out shortblock and 3 heads in the bed, a bucket full of bolts and brackets also......
My last 2 tanks have been 29.0 and 29.2 with ethanol free gas, i never checked it before these last two tanks. Im wanting to get up into the mid 30's. I want to lower it a few inches (2 or 3) and put a bed cover on, or make a temporary cover, if there are any suggestions please let me know what i should do.......