Good advice from all. You won't go wrong with what has been presented so far. All the Japanese bikes are generally reliable and durable, if cared for. The Chinese bikes are only good if initially set-up properly, and you can learn to source parts on the internet. I put over 5000 miles on mine without worry after a few intitial issues.
It is very important to get high quality riding gear. It will make the experience more pleasurable, extend the riding season and of course provide as much protection as possible.
Have her take MSF and/or other riding courses designed for beginning riders. Probably should do this BEFORE purchasing, as she may even change her mind about riding.
Encourage her to learn about her bike and do basic maintenance. This can not only save a good amount of money but she will learn what to check, what is normal and if it is not right, is the bike still safely rideable. Remember, these are just simple mechanical vehicles.
Good design is simple. Getting there isn't.
Last edited by beatr911; 11-21-2012 at 04:54 PM..