Originally Posted by rmay635703
You also need to understand some of us do not pay for electricity (I haven't in 7 years because of where I live) So cost isn't always the best way to determine electric FE.
Very true. There is one forum member on gm-volt.com that is a solar fanatic, solardave. He has a large solar array at his home. He was doing this before he bought his Volt . His household electricity usage is less than what he produces and sells his excess power back to the utility. He regularly says he drives for free because he still has excess power even after attaching his Volt to his home grid and he rarely drives far enough to use the gas generator!
Now of course the array had to cost him something but he says over the life of the array it will make him more money that it cost him by far.
I get most of my power at home but I do get the opportunity to charge at work occasionally. I would guess about 1/4 of my charges have been at work and that electricity is free to me. Also through being more efficient with your energy consumption at home you can offset the added burden of charging the Volt which I have tried to do.