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Old 09-30-2014, 04:54 PM   #1 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
cRiPpLe_rOoStEr's Avatar
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Spark-ignition and heavy fuels: it actually makes some sense

Orbital Corp - FlexDI - Heavy Fuel

Australian company Orbital Engineering, the same developer of that 2-stroke direct-injection system widely used in recreational marine engines nowadays, is highly focused in their setup as a viable alternative to operate with heavy fuels. Their experience in those military Evinrude outboards is already noticeable, but there is still some issue with carbon deposits when running those on regular Diesel fuel. Anyway, due to the emissions standards becoming more favorable to spark-ignition over the good old compression-ignition traditionally used in Diesel fuels, and the lower compressions decreasing the amount of NOx, it may actually sound like a cost-effective solution, since it also eases the transition to alternative fuels such as E100 ethanol and Natural Gas while not requiring either some ignition-improver additive to operate with ethanol or a Diesel fuel pilot-injection to ignite the NG.

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