I went for a run around The East Neuk of Fife. Basically that is round the coast of Fife (East Corner of Fife) taking in, among other places, Crail and St Andrews.
We stopped in Crail for an ice cream!

The road was really busy, with plenty tourists (judging by there speed) which was great for me as I could pulse up behind a car then glide back off, without p**ing off the driver behind me.
What I did find though, is that the fuel consumption at 2000 + rpm is better then 2000 -. By that, I mean, I found it more fuel efficient to run in 4th gear at 2200 rpm, rather than 5th gear at 1800 rpm. And once I was back onto the main drag I got better mpg at 50 mph than at 40 mph (again because of the revs).
It is fascinating the information I am getting from my ScanGauge E.