11-30-2009, 06:13 PM
#11 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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I love the idea of this, but fear that it may also encourage street racing more so than normal lights.
I worry too much.
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11-30-2009, 06:17 PM
#12 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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Here in Austin, most crosswalks give you around 5 to 6 seconds to cross the road. ( two lanes )
I feel sorry for anyone that is handicapped or elderly and has to race across the road.
11-30-2009, 06:24 PM
#13 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Yeah like Christ said, in PA you can see the other light so it makes coasting that much easier. In other states it seems that sometimes I can see the other light and sometimes I can't. When I can't see the other light, I just coast slower in case the light is longer than I was anticipating.
I think it might encourage racing too, but I wouldn't be the one racing. 
11-30-2009, 08:48 PM
#14 (permalink)
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Where did you find those?
I want to write to my DOT and ask for them. I'm sure my letter will go straight in to the Wacko bin with the rest of my letters, but oh well.
2016 Tesla Model X
2022 Sprinter
Gone 2012 Tesla Model S P85
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2012 Nissan LEAF SV
6 speed ALH TDI Swapped in to a 2003 Jetta Wagon
12-01-2009, 08:35 AM
#15 (permalink)
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Gizmodo- Stoplight with a progress bar
That is the place I found it and went through the link to the author's site. There has been quite a lot of varied opinions here, I do think that racing might become a problem, but not if these were placed on single lane intersections.
I also agree with the rotary comment. There should be more rotaries, less old people, less Buicks also  .
Seriously, I think there should be a mandatory driving test two years after receiving your license (17 - 18ish) and at 65, 70 and every 2 years thereafter. That is when you are most dangerous too other drivers on the road. Even my parents are for testing, and they are getting up there in years.
Back on subject, I think these lights could be implemented at the most active intersections and save a bunch of people like us some serious mileage. 
American by right 
Ecomodder by choice 
Hypermiler by necessity
12-01-2009, 08:48 AM
#16 (permalink)
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I think that we all should do what Finland does: ~6 hours of skid pad training for all drivers.
12-01-2009, 10:48 AM
#17 (permalink)
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Pretty cool, that progress bar!
In Germany the stoplights do the same as in England, they turn red + yellow shortly before they go green. This is important because the stoplight phases in Europe are usually much shorter than in America.
You can tell a stale green by when the pedestrian crosswalk lights in the same direction turn red.
Back in East Germany they used to have timers on the stoplights, but that's one good thing out of the socialist countries that they didn't carry over into capitalism.
The next step would be to have the city publish stoplight information over GPS or something so that your car's navigator can tell you when the next light is gonna turn red or green and what speed you need to maintain to time it properly so that you can roll through on green.
Another option would be inter-car communication so that the cars ahead of you tell yours about red lights or other traffic jams, icy patches, etc.

You ever notice that birds pulse & glide, too?
12-01-2009, 06:06 PM
#18 (permalink)
Driving the TurboWeasel
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In Columbia the lights are nicely tied into the pedestrian walk/no walk indicator. It makes for relaxing driving since they are visible for much further than the lights, and are lower down to let you pay attention to the road also.
2012 Chevrolet Cruze Eco 6MT
12-01-2009, 06:22 PM
#19 (permalink)
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Here they've started putting roundabouts into places that really should have stoplights.
They may be good on paper where everyone magically does what they're supposed to do, but in actual reality all I ever see is close calls, collisions, and hurt feelings.
Every time I see a perfectly good stoplight replaced with a roundabout I spend the rest of my day trying to telepathically give terminal colon cancer to whose ever idea it was to put in the roundabout.
Work From Home mod has saved more fuel than everything else put together.
12-01-2009, 08:52 PM
#20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by shovel
Here they've started putting roundabouts into places that really should have stoplights.
They may be good on paper where everyone magically does what they're supposed to do, but in actual reality all I ever see is close calls, collisions, and hurt feelings.
Every time I see a perfectly good stoplight replaced with a roundabout I spend the rest of my day trying to telepathically give terminal colon cancer to whose ever idea it was to put in the roundabout.
When they put those roundabouts in Sedona (on a 4-lane road), it FUBAR'd the evening incoming traffic situation. Last time I went there, traffic was backed up for 3 miles. 
Fuel economy is nice, but sometimes I just gotta put the spurs to my pony!
Originally Posted by thatguitarguy
Just 'cuz you can't do it, don't mean it can't be done...
Originally Posted by elhigh
The presence of traffic is the single most complicating factor of hypermiling. I know what I'm going to do, it's contending with whatever the hell all these other people are going to do that makes things hard.
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