Winter sucks. Even with tires kept at 50 PSI summer and winter, glide distances are much shorter in cold weather.
When it's below zero degrees F in winter, I'm doing good to get 20 MPG on the ScanGauge driving 3 miles to work. In summer, I expect to see 35 MPG, and show 40 MPG under ideal conditions on the same route.
06 Canyon: The vacuum gauge plus wheel covers helped increase summer 2015 mileage to 38.5 MPG, while summer 2016 mileage was 38.6 MPG without the wheel covers. Drove 33,021 miles 2016-2018 at 35.00 MPG.
22 Maverick: Summer 2022 burned 62.74 gallons in 3145.1 miles for 50.1 MPG. Winter 2023-2024 - 2416.7 miles, 58.66 gallons for 41 MPG.