I live near the I-10 Katy Freeway and commute to work on it. It is one of the newer Super Freeways, as it has has at least four lanes going each way, plus toll lanes, HOV lanes, three lanes of one-way frontage road on both sides and a sidewalk on both sides. I was surprised to find that this road system supports economical forms of transportation.
-The multi-lane frontage roads have a speed limit of 50 mph. That is slow enough to allow commuting on a 125cc or larger scooter, like my Genuine Buddy. There are few alternatve surface streets near that part of I-10 Katy Freeway (Between Katy and State Hwy 6) because there are huge, vast flood resevoirs (wetlands with a levee at the downstream end) on both sides. The frontage roads make up for the lack of alternative surface streets.
-You probably noticed I did not mention any bicycle lanes. There are none. However, the continuous sidewalks on both sides of the noisy freeway provide safe bicycle commuting. Because the freeway is so noisy, there are seldom any pedestrians, dog walkers or moms pushing strollers on the sidewalks. I have commuted to work on the freeway sidewalks on both a conventional bicycle and e-bike ( My 24v e-bike motor will not propel you over 15mph. It is truly an assist kit).
-When I say I'm taking the Katy Freeway to work, it doesn't always mean I'm travelling by car.