I definitely recommend bicycle commuting as a way to save money, reduce your personal carbon footprint and get into better shape. I also recommend that you do some reading before you buy a bike.
There are many 'kinds' of bikes with pros and cons for each and picking the right one isn't necessarily as simple as picking a 'good road bike'. This page gives a basic overview of the basic types of bike. A 'road bike' may not be the best choice for commuting as they usually don't have room or mounts for fenders or a rack which can be very handy.
I would definitely check out the bike shop near you and explain what you want to do and see what they suggest. You should also check out other bike shops in your area as different shops have different 'personalities' and tend to focus on a certain type of cycling (road, mountain, racing, etc.).
Also since there is a community college nearby you should check the papers, bulletin boards and Craigslist for used bikes as you can often save quite a bit off a new bike price. But, make sure you know what type of bike and what size you need first.
I've also written an article about bicycle commuting here: that should fill in a bit more info.
Good Luck on the new job too,