TJ: Air deflector out of Honda Insight belly parts
Yeah so I was bored and kinda fed up with the Insight. Only been driving it for a week and nearly got killed by a semi and a Civic along with popping a bypass hose. I am averaging 52 MPG on its current tank
This was made out of the strongest parts know to man
Thoughts? Ran it on the highway, nothing tore nor melted
Been considering selling it, still haven't come to a conclusion yet.....
Not butchering has taken place. Originally it was missing the under belly panels which I later ordered. I never installed them on the car since there has been some reason or another for me to crawl underneath. So they were just sitting around loose and I figured I'd put them to some temporary use rather than let them collect dust
So I'm back from LA. Some 700 odd miles later all zip ties and bungies are intact. No apparent damage to the deflector cept the plastic melted a little bit where it was touching the diff. Nothing major. Going to put up the data tomorrow once I catch up on some sleep, but it looks like it helped. My FE for the trip seems to be close to what I got last time when I went to LA. Only difference this time around is that I had the soft top equipped (cd .58) instead of the hard top (cd .55)