The following are all 'true':
Witches exist
Demons exist
The Incubus exists
The Succubus exists
Vacuum is impossible
A heliocentric solar system is impossible
Earth is the center of the Universe
Objects of different weight fall at different rates
Mary Toft gave birth to seventeen rabbits
Bodies of the murdered bleed in the presence of the murderer
Witches turn into hares
It's impossible for hallucinations to be associated with rye bread
Witches turn into wolves
Witches fly on broomsticks
The Devil makes pacts with people
People copulate with the Devil
Black cats suck protuberances on the witches skin
Lodestone is impossible
Geomagnetics is impossible
Compass needle dip is impossible
Magnetic deviation is impossible
Meteorites are impossible
Predicting the existence of Neptune is impossible
The existence of antipodes are impossible
A spherical Earth is impossible
Prisms are impossible
Lenses are impossible
Humans routinely metamorphize into wolves
Elephants have no knees
Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt
A ship cannot sail into a wind
Tuberculosis is impossible
Phrenology is real
Tasmania does not exist
Australia does not exist
The Americas do not exist
The Hawaiian Islands do not exist
New Zealand does not exist
Antarctica does not exist
Thespians should never be buried in a Christian graveyard
Ice floats because of its shape
Planets move in perfect circles
Earth's equator is uninhabitable
Nerves are connected to the heart
Jupiter has no moons
Sunspots do not exist
Mercury do not transit across the face of the Sun
Venus does not transit across the face of the Sun
The existence of additional planets cannot be predicted
The return of a comet cannot be predicted
Tycho Brahe's nova of 1572 is impossible
Earth's circular shadow across the face of the Moon does not prove a spherical Earth
Anyone who believes that Earth orbits around the Sun must be burnt at the stake
Comets exist within the orbit of the Moon
Comets are an exhalation from Earth which caught fire
There exist no phases of Venus as witnessed with the Moon
Polydactlism cannot be inherited
Microorganisms do not exist
Mice are spontaneously generated in straw
Tinkerbell can live only if the children believe in her
Rub a magnet with garlic and it ceases to function
Smear a non-functioning magnet with goat's blood and its function returns
Barnacles hatch into geese
Putrifying sage generates birds similar to blackbirds
Bears love honey because it improves their eyesight
If a man sees a wolf he is rendered speechless
Garlic is good against vipers, mad dogs, and poisonous water
A drum covered in lamb's skin will fall silent if it senses the vibrations from one covered with wolf's skin
A bottle made of ivy can be used to establish whether wine has been adulterated with water
Crushed basil spontaneously generates scorpions
Diamonds disempower magnets
Diamond will yield to steel
Diamond softens in goat's blood, camel's blood, and ass'es blood
You can communicate at a distance from another, if both of you have a compass with the alphabet engraved around the dial
A wild bull tied to a fig tree becomes tame
Basilisks are frightened by the crowing of cocks
A well-washed snail cures drunkeness
There is a type of magnet which repels iron
The stone Pantarbe attracts gold
There is another type of magnet which attracts silver
Diamonds cannot be smashed with a hammer
The Countess of Holland gave birth to 365 babies
The fantasies of a woman during intercourse can effect the appearance of her children
'Weapon salve' applied to body and weapon both, cures wounds
The Theory of Extromission is a certainty
Inanimate objects have goals and purposes
Heavenly spheres are governed by spiritual intelligence
'Saducismus Triumphatus', by Joseph Glanvill provides unimpeachable testimony as to the existence of demons, witches, poltergeists as a matter of fact, proving the certainty of the spirit world
July 28, 1716, Mary Hickes, and her nine-year-old daughter Elizabeth, are rightfully executed for raising a storm
You can make a wooden boat only if its bottom is flat
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/
Last edited by aerohead; 03-03-2022 at 12:23 PM..
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