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California98Civic 08-18-2013 12:45 AM

Ultra Gauge parasitic battery drain?
Just back home from travel for over two weeks. My kill-a-watt shows that the battery has drawn over 5.0 killowatts from the grid since I left. I have heard that the Ultra Gauge, before the latest update, had a parasitic draw. Is that my likely problem or is the explanation something else? Seems like a lot of power for a float charge.

EDIT: that's not 0.5 kwh but 5.0 kwh. Ouch.

gone-ot 08-18-2013 12:13 PM

Yes, I can attest that both the UG and AutoMeter units that I initially bought had rather HUGE parasitic current loads which discharged the battery down to the point of "no start" on my 2009 Vibe during two week periods! And, that is *WHY* I bought a SGII.

Gealii 08-18-2013 12:24 PM

yes the UG does have a parasitic draw if the correct power off/on settings are not set. For some vehicles there is no correct setting before the latest update. If i am not going to drive my car for 2 days i have learned to unplug it. I say this for the reason being shutting my car off friday at 230pm and if i try to start it on monday at 530am there is not enough juice to effectively turn the starter

California98Civic 08-18-2013 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Gealii (Post 385909)
...shutting my car off friday at 230pm and if i try to start it on monday at 530am there is not enough juice to effectively turn the starter

Ouch! The update you mention... is it something a person can download? I knew the UG had a power draw, but I have never measured it before this trip. If the car had not been plugged in, my battery would have been drained very very low.

Gealii 08-18-2013 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by California98Civic (Post 385915)
Ouch! The update you mention... is it something a person can download? I knew the UG had a power draw, but I have never measured it before this trip. If the car had not been plugged in, my battery would have been drained very very low.

the update was to fix the power draw on Gm vehicles with a few others. the only way i know to get the update is to go to the UG website select to purchase the free update and ship it back to the company it only costs you the shipping fees

Smurf 08-18-2013 03:53 PM

This is completely off the subject... But my girlfriend insists my UG screen is one color, while I think it is another. Would you describe the UG writing as blue-ish or white?

(hoping I don't need to make an eye doctor appointment!)

Gealii 08-18-2013 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Smurf (Post 385937)
This is completely off the subject... But my girlfriend insists my UG screen is one color, while I think it is another. Would you describe the UG writing as blue-ish or white?

(hoping I don't need to make an eye doctor appointment!)

i see it as more of a blue. mabey you should pull a trick on her i saw somewhere where they took a transparent green filter and cut it to fit the screen :p start messin with her a lil bit

California98Civic 08-18-2013 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Gealii (Post 385921)
the update was to fix the power draw on Gm vehicles with a few others. the only way i know to get the update is to go to the UG website select to purchase the free update and ship it back to the company it only costs you the shipping fees

I failed to find the update for this parasitic draw on their site. In fact, their statements seem only to be mainly about declaring it no big deal (which is sorta true). The gauge has a backup battery, I think, so I could just unplug it.

BTW, 5kwh over 17 days = 0.29412 kwh/day = 0.01226 per hour. That means I lost about 12.26 watts per hour, or that the draw on the system was 12.26 watts. Some portion of that was the Ultra Gauge, and 12+ watts seems high, but I guess some of it is the charger itself, its indicator lights, its fan, and etc...

Gealii 08-18-2013 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by California98Civic (Post 385977)
I failed to find the update for this parasitic draw on their site. In fact, their statements seem only to be mainly about declaring it no big deal (which is sorta true). The gauge has a backup battery, I think, so I could just unplug it.

UltraGauge EM update [UltraGauge_EM_Update] - $0.00 : UltraGauge, OBD II Scan Tool & Information Center


which was essentially the new UltraGauge Battery Voltage gauge and enhancements to the Power On and Power off detection modes.
these detection modes is what determines if the UG stays on or off after the ignition is turned off

i dont know the details about the UG detection on your car so it is unknown to me whether or not you need the update

darcane 08-20-2013 03:41 PM

I have an older UG (classic? not an EM). On my Silverado, it would occasionally stay on and draw down the battery. I got in the habit of waiting until the screen turned off before leaving my truck. Once the screen turned off, the drain was minimal.

On my Civic (I use the same UG that was in the truck) I have never seen it do this.

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