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California98Civic 07-31-2021 01:39 PM

Update EM site/forum? Specific ideas.
This is a little presumptive of me, but I want to create this thread to crowd source SPECIFIC & WORKABLE ideas and resources for updating the EM site/forums if the owners wanted to update it. (I am not an owner, btw, I am just a 10-year member making myself very comfortable, lol.)

What are your ideas for software, content, organization, appearance...?

The inspiration for this thread comes from discussion today on the "Is ecomodder dying/dead?" thread.

A change (very minor) I suggest would be to the description of ecomodding so it is less narrowly about ICE drivetrains only but might also include EVs and such...

Current language below the banner:

Welcome to, an automotive community where performance is judged by fuel economy rather than power and speed. EcoModders employ a combination of vehicle mods, driving techniques, and common sense to squeeze every penny out of the pumps. Reasons for becoming a member range from the economical to the ecological. More info about where EcoModding came from.
A suggested modest revision (my changes shown in bold):

Welcome to, an automotive community where performance is judged by efficiency and economy rather than power and speed. EcoModders employ a combination of vehicle mods, driving techniques, and common sense to go as far as possible as inexpensively as possible. Reasons for becoming a member range from the economical to the ecological. More info about where EcoModding came from.
Very minor, but there are bigger ideas... your thoughts?

oil pan 4 07-31-2021 02:25 PM

Truck forum and and electric car forum.

freebeard 07-31-2021 03:04 PM

It'd be nice to be able to sort pictures and move them from album to album. But that would depend on how they are stored and referenced.

samwichse 07-31-2021 09:09 PM

Every YouTube video embedded in the site has the full screen button disabled.

Easily the most irritating thing about the site. Other vBulletin forums don't do this, only ecomodder.

Isaac Zachary 08-01-2021 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by oil pan 4 (Post 653514)
Truck forum and and electric car forum.

EV forum...

There is a "Fossil Fuel Free" forum, but I agree that the should be a separate EV forum or sub-forum. EV technology seems to be quite different than stuff like biodiesel.

Truck forum...

I also agree there should be a separate truck forum. There's a big difference in modifying a people (person) hauling car and a vehicle designed to haul firewood, lumber and fire going off-road.

rmay635703 08-01-2021 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary (Post 653543)
EV forum...

There is a "Fossil Fuel Free" forum, but I agree that the should be a separate EV forum or sub-forum. EV technology seems to be quite different than stuff like biodiesel.

Truck forum...

I also agree there should be a separate truck forum. There's a big difference in modifying a people (person) hauling car and a vehicle designed to haul firewood, lumber and fire going off-road.

Could put the Truck forum under the Unicorn Corral

California98Civic 08-01-2021 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by rmay635703 (Post 653550)
Could put the Truck forum under the Unicorn Corral

Haha. But seriously, lots of people NEED trucks for work. A forum for ecomodding trucks could include things like the buy a trailer thread, EV conversions, and ways to make them more economical and cleaner. Importantly, it might also bring new members with know how and interest in more ecological transportation. I see nothing but wins. And the aerocap threads and prius truck threads have been awesome.

freebeard 08-01-2021 04:19 PM

I'd be posting stuff like this:

Gasoline Fumes 08-01-2021 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by freebeard (Post 653553)

Do you get paid to post air-cooled VW content? :D

freebeard 08-01-2021 04:51 PM

If I made money I'd have to pay taxes so I don't. (Actually I could rake in $10K before it triggers a liability. Who should I talk to? :))

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